Cuka apple atau 'apple cider vinegar' merupakan cuka paling kuat dan sihat berbanding cuka-cuka yg lain. Cuka epal mengandungi zat yg sama seperti buah epal seperti 'pectin' (serat larut yg mengikut kolesterol dan menariknya keluar daripada tubuh), beta kerotin, potassium, enzim dan asid amino yg terbentuk semasa proses fermentasi.
Kandungan potassium yg tinggi mendorong sel da organisme tumbuh sementara enzim membantu meningkatkan reaksi kimia dalam tubuh. Cuka epal mengandungi kalsium utk menjaga kesihatan tulang, membantu pengerakan saraf dan mengatur kontraksi otot. Zat besi yg terkandung di dlmnya baik utk kesihatan darah dan kandungan magnesium baik utk jantung. Cuka epal juga membolehkan perut menghasilkan asid 'hydrochloric' yg membantu pencernaan.
Apple Cider Vinegar Detox
Apple Cider Vinegar is a naturally detoxifying product that gently removes toxins from the body, purifies your blood and builds your immune system. From being almost unknown a few years ago, it has gained in popularity to the point that it now forms the basis of many diets and detox plans.
ACV is great for your health - it has antibacterial properties to fight germs, and also balances vitamin deficiencies caused by poor nutrition - but it has wonderful cleansing properties too.
Apple Cider Vinegar is full of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and help slow down the aging process. It is also great for breaking down mucus in the body and encouraging the lymphatic system to eliminate wastes.
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