Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Increase Your Energy Today and Tomorrow

Take a Walk, Schedule Regular Exercise

The stuffy office and the never-ending to-do list can squash your can-do attitude. Taking a walk is a simple way to refresh both your body and your mind. As a long-term solution to the daily fatigue is regular exercise. Moving about, getting your heart rate up, and challenging your strength will actually increase your energy. Fitness activities will also increase your overall stamina, making your work life easier.

Drink More Water and Less Coffee
Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, try drinking more water. Being even slightly dehydrated can make you feel sluggish. Sipping on a cup of ice water is bound to perk you up. While reaching for a cup of joe is sure to give you some pep, it might just keep you up at night. A troubled night's sleep sets you up for feeling tired the next day, repeating the cycle of tiredness.

Eat Magnesium Now and Breakfast Daily
For a quick energy fix grab a handful of almonds or hazelnuts — both are high in magnesium. This mineral is essential for breaking down glucose to manufacture energy. Nuts make for great power snacks at the 3 p.m. slump. To bolster your energy in the future, make sure to eat breakfast, since it revs up your metabolism and fuels your body as well as your brain. Make sure that your breakfast is high in whole grains, which are also high in the mineral magnesium. Go for oatmeal with toasted hazelnuts for a double dose of magnesium.

Take a Power Nap, Create a Sleep Schedule
If you are simply exhausted, take a power nap. Dozing for 20 to 60 minutes significantly eases the tiredness that accompanies brain overload. For the future, set a sleep schedule. Sleeping seven to nine hours a night is crucial for your long-term health and is considered normal. Living with a sleep deficit can set you up for many health problems down the road, including high blood pressure and weight gain.

Breathe Now and Learn to Meditate
Stress and anger will deplete your energy. They weigh you down and exhaust you. As your energy wanes in the afternoon, or you can feel your anxiety zapping your reserves, take a moment to breathe deeply. Bringing oxygen to the brain can help clear the mental cobwebs. In the long term, it is highly beneficial to lean how to mange your stress and anger levels. Practicing meditation is a great way to get a handle on those negative emotions.

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