Thursday, July 30, 2009

Minyak Juga Sumber Menyihatkan!

Walaupun minyak adalah sumber lemak, tetapi apa yg penting adalah kita perlu tahu apakah minyak yg paling tepat dan seterusnya gunakan minyak ini dgn betul.

** Minyak Zaitun

Minyak zaitun mengandungi Omega 9 dan Omega 6 sehingga 85%. Ia juga mengandungi asid lemak tidak tepu. Ia juga berfungsi menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) di dlm tubuh dan meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL).

**Minyak Biji Anggur

Minyak biji anggur mengandungi asid lemak utama Omega 6, vitamin C dan sterol. Secara tidak langsung, ia sesuai digunakan bagi mereka yg mempunyai masalah jantung kerana ia mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol.

**Minyak Bijan

Selain mengandungi asid lemak tidak tepu yg berfungsi meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, minyak bijan kaya dgn vitamin A, B dan E serta beberapa jenis asid amino.

**Minyak Soya

Minyak soya mengandungi protein lengkap dlm jumlah yg sangat tinggi. Kandungan asid lemak tepunya juga rendah iaitu lebih kurang 15%.

1, 2, 3.....Jom Bersenam

Berjalan Setempat:
Kaki harus digerakkan sehingga terangkat dari lantai. Tangan dihayun kencang.
Apa yg bagus?
Meningkatkan peredaran darah keseluruh tubuh.

Lari Setempat:
Posisi seperti anda mahu berlari.Gerakkan tubuh perlahan-lahan seperti anda berjoging.
Apa yg bagus?
Peredaran darah yg baik.

Berlari-lari perlahan di sekeliling padang samnbil melonggarkan sendi bahu, lengan dan tengkuk.
Apa yg bagus?
Mengalakkan peredaran darah, kelonggaran sendi dan otot.

Lompat Selang-seli:
Lompat perlahan ke kiri dan kanan. Hayunkan tangan dgn rancak.
Apa yg bagus?
Mengalakkan peredaran darah serta kelonggaran sendi dan otot.

Lompat anak:
Lompat perlahan-lahan dan angkat kaki kanan dan kiri secara berselang-seli.
Apa yg bagus?
Kelonggaran serta melembutkan sendi dan otot kaki.

Berdiri Setempat:
Sambil berdiri hayunkan tangan ke hadapan, belakang dan sisi tubuh.
Apa yg bagus?
Kelonggaran dan kelembutan sendi serta otot tangan.

Trunk Twister:
Sambil berdiri, regangkan otot bahu dan pinggang.
Apa yg bagus?
Menguatkan otot-otot pinggang.

Sit & Stand:
Berdiri tegak, bengkokkan lutut, tangan mencecah lantai dan bangun semula. Ulang langkah sehingga sehingga lima kali.
Apa yg bagus?
Menggalakkanperedaran darah.

Baik & Buruk Diet Rendah...........

Tampil cantik dan langsing sememangnya keinginan semua wanita kerana dgn tubuh yg cantik akan membuatkan seseorang itu lebih berkeyakinan. Biasanya, keinginan utk cantik dan langsinglah yg membuatkan anda mencari program diet sebagai alternatif pilihan. Tetapi, jgn pula tersalah pilih, nanti akan memakan diri sendiri. Cuba teliti baik dan buruk diet yg anda lakukan.

**Diet Rendah Kolesterol**

BAIK - Utk menurunkan kadar kolesterol, para peneliti telah menyarankan beberapa makanan yg boleh mengawal kolesterol ialah ikan yg mengandungi lemak seperti tuna dan salmon, oatmeal serta makanan dari tumbuhan. Di samping itu, diet ini membantu utk mencukupkan kadar kolesterol dlm tubuh.

BURUK - Jika terlalu berhati2 dlm mengambil diet rendah kolesterol juga boleh meninggikan risiko menyakit jantung. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengambilan kolesterol meningkatkan risiko sakit jantung, walaupun kandungan kolesterol dlm darah tidak berubah banyak.

**Diet Rendah Lemak**

BAIK - Diet ini mendhindarkan pengambilan makanan yg tinggi kandungan lemakdan akan memberikan pengurangan pengambilan jumlah kalori harian.

BURUK - Sesetengah pengamal diet ini memberi gambaran yg salah dgn mengatakan selulit terjadi disebabkan oleh bahan toksik. Kononnya, dgn pengabilan diet ini, ia boleh membantu mengurangkan lemak terutama di bahagian paha dan pinggang.

**Diet Rendah Karbohidrat**

BAIK - Karbohidrat adalah sumber tenaga utama dlm tubuh kita selain protein dan lemak. Selain memberi sumber tenaga, ia juga membantu utk pembakaran lemak, mengawal kadar gula dlm darah, menurunkan tekanan darah dan sebagainya.

BURUK - Mengurangkan karbohidrat dan menambahkan protein menyebabkan perubahan protein kepada glukosa yg akan menghasilkan nitrogen seterusnya membebankan ginjal. Jadi, jika dilakukan diet ini berterusan, ia boleh membahayakan ginjal kita.

**Diet Rendah Protein**

BAIK - Tujuan diet ini adalah memberikan makanan secukupnya dgn kemampuan ginjal utk menyaringkan sisa metabolisme protein. Antara makanan sumber protein ialah daging, ayam, ikan, hati, telur, susu dan lain2.

BURUK - Elakkan pemgambilan makanan yg tinggi kalori atau rendah protein seperti sirap, madu dan lain2 kerana ia akan mengurangkan nafsu makan. Diet rendah protein yg berterusan lebih daripada dua minggu juga boleh membahayakan kesihatan.

**Diet Rendah Garam**

BAIK - Ia membantu menghilangkan penimbunan garam atau air dlm jaringan tubuh dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.

BURUK - Pengambilan garam yg terlalu sedikit atau secara berlebihan boleh dikaitkan dgn masalah kesihatan dan penyakit seperti kanser dan mulut.

**Diet Rendah Kalori**

BAIK - Mendapatkan makanan rendah kalori dlm pola makan setiap hari membuatkan anda awet muda dan memperlambatkan proses penuaan pada tubuh.

BURUK - Diet yg terlalu rendah kalori boleh menyebabkan kesan sampingan dan komplikasi seperti pembentukan batu dlm pundi hempedu, kehilangan jisim otot dan peningkatan asid amino dlm darah akibat ketidakseimbangan tenaga.

Jangan anda menyiksa diri utk mendapatkan badan yg langsing kerana kunci utama utk anda tampil menarik adalah dgn mengamalkan pola makanan yg sihat dan betul.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Khasiat Tauge

Menu TAUGE untuk hidangan makan tengah hari mahupun makan malam sering kali dipandang sebelah mata oleh kebanyakan kita. Tauge dilihat sebagai hidanganyang langsung tidak menyelerakan.

Tapi tahukah anda, tauge yang kerap kali menjadi pilihan terakhir untukdijadikan sayur ini sebenarnya mempunyai banyak khasiat. Tauge dikatakanmampu menyumbang kepada kesuburan lelaki dan wanita. Pengambilan tauge olehkaum lelaki mampu membuatkan sperma yang dihasilkan oleh golongan ini makinbaik. Begitu juga wanita, ia cukup berkesan membantu kesuburan telur yangdihasilkan.

Bagaimanapun, khasiat tauge tidak sekadar penyumbang kesuburan, ia jugaterbukti melalui kajian mengandungi bahan yang dapat melumpuhkan bibitkanser, usus besar, pankreas dan juga penyakit leukimia.

Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan tauge sama ada dari jenis kacang hijau,alfalfa dan sebagainya mengandungi banyak unsur fitokimia ya berkhasiat.Salah satunya ialah kanavanin (canavanine) , sejenis asid yang amino.Kanavanin, dikatakan mampu melumpuhkan bibit kanser leukimia, usus besardan pankreas.

Selain itu, tauge juga mempunyai estrogen semulajadi berfungsi sama denganestrogen sintesis. Estrogen dalam tauge dapat meningkatkan kepadatan dansusunan tulang, serta mencegah kerapuhan tulang (osteoporosis)

Pengambilan tauge oleh wanita secara kerap dapat membantu mereka menghindarmereka dari kanser payudara, gangguan menjelang menstruasi,simptompra-menopaus, dan gangguan akibat menopaus.

Sewaktu kacang-kacang dicambahkan untuk dijadikan tauge secara umum kadarsaponinya meningkat sehingga 450 peratus. Mereka yang berisiko penyakitstrok dan serangan jantung, gara-gara kadar lemak darah yang tinggidianjurkan lebih banyak mengambil tauge dalam menu harian mereka. Saponidalam tauge, menghalau “lemak jahat” LDL, tanpa mengganggu kandungan lemakbaik HDL.

Selain sarat DNA, tauge padat dengan antioksida kuat yang menghalang tubuhdari radikal bebas perosak sel DNA. Pelindungan ini menguatkan kesimpulantauge merupakan sayuran yang membuat anda menjadi lebih muda.

Satu lagi khasiat tauge yang tidak kurang hebat adalah membantu membuangkotoran dalam usus besar kerana mengandungi banyak serat dan air. Inilahyang menjadi tunjang utama tauge dalam memerangi sel kanser.

Apabila kotoran segera meniggalkan usus besar, tiada lagi zat-zat racundalam kotoran yang yang dapat diserap tubuh. Ia akan mencegah pengumpulanbahan beracun yang dapat merangsang berseminya benih kanser. Selepasmembaca kebaikan sayur tauge janganlah ragu-ragu lagi untuk mengambilnya.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fruits - Signature Series

Everybody love to eat fruits. Hard to believe if there is someone who hate to eat fruits. There are a lot of benefits we can get by eating fruits. Here, I want to share with you not about the vitamins or minerals content in it, but something different. Something about the similarity of the fruit's shape with our organ and what they can do to our organ.

For MAN, take note at FIGS and BANANA.

For WOMAN, take note at OLIVES, CITRUS and AVOCADO.

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye.The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and YES science now shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart.Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebelums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuro- transmitters for brain function.

Egg Plant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervicle cancers. And how profound is this? .... it takes exactly 9 months to grow an Avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 phytolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones.These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Onions look like body cells. Todays research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial lasyers of the eyes.

Grapefruits, Oranges, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mamary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow.Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Bananas, Cucumber, Zuchini and more target the size and strengh of the male sexual organ. It's true!

Needle Can Save The Life of A Stroke Patient

From a Chinese Professor.
Keep a syringe or needle in your home to do this... It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.

This is amazing. Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips. Do take a minute to read this. You'll never know, ones life may depend on you.

My father was paralyzed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before.When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu)When a stroke occurs, stay calm.

No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved the capillaries will burst.

Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin.

If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best.

Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.

1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.

2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.

3. Prick till blood comes out.

4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.

5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.

6. If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.

Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe. After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.

Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital. Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.

If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.'I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.

Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective.In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung.

One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting,'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor.When I saw our supervisor, Mr. Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked - all the symptoms of a stroke.

I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe , which I used to prick Mr. Chen's 10 fingers tips.

When all 10 fingers were bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen's face regained its colour and his eyes' spirit returned,

But his mouth was still crooked . So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood . When his ears became red ,I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out two drops of blood .

But his mouth was still crooked . So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood . When his ears became red ,I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out two drops of blood .

We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital .. He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach... Everything worked normally. There were no ill after effects.On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers Irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital. As a result, these victims never recover.' (Irene Liu)Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death. The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralyzed for life.

It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.

If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately , in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sleep Well - 10 Good Habits

I have no sleeping problems. Every night when it is time for me to slumber off I just look forward to it. Perhaps it is my habits that decide the quality of my sleep. Here I would like to share with you a few tips to sleep well at night:

1. Sleep and wake up at the same time:
It is my habit to go to bed between 10 and 11 at night and I wake up between 6 and 7 in the morning. The regular sleeping and awakening pattern will set my biological clock in auto mode.

2. Regular exercise:
I jog regularly around 6 in the evening about three times a week. The physical routines help me to sleep better.

3. Turn the light off:
When I go to bed the room is pitch-dark. This will also help me to fall asleep faster.

4. Your bed:
Don’t use your bed for anything else. I don’t. I only use it to sleep at night. That’s another good habit.

5. A light snack:
I have a habit of munching a few biscuits or something light to eat and a cup of Milo before I go to sleep. I don’t take coffee anymore. Not that I can’t go to sleep but a cup of Milo is healthier. Perhaps you can try something else to help you to sleep better. Get a cup of warm milk which contains trytophan, a substance that induces you to sleep.

6. No noise during sleeping time:
It helps me to sleep better in a quiet room.There is no TV or hi-fi in the room.

7. Sleeping rituals:
What do you do before you go to bed? My habit is to do a little bit of reading. Just a few minutes of reading will put me in a sleepy mood.

8. End the day well:
Make sure that there is no outstanding issues for the day to bother you at night. And you have already written in your to-do-list for any pending matters. It helps.

9. Wear comfortable clothing:
Usually I’ll put on a T-shirt and short pants when it is a warm night. During the North East Monsoon in December I will wear a pair of long trousers to sleep.

10. Avoid stimulants:
Beverages such as tea and coffee interfere with your sleep. Stay away from them in the evening.

Go to bed early and get up early; the early bird catches the best worm, there goes the saying. Good night and sleep well.


Mushrooms are used widely in cooking notably in Chinese cuisine. People enjoy eating mushrooms for their flavor and texture. Eating mushrooms is also beneficial for your health.

Most edible mushrooms are commercially grown. The most popular one is the Agaricus bisporus or the white button mushrooms because it is grown in controlled, sterilized environments. The other well known species are crimini (brown mushrooms) and portabello. According to the latest findings, white button mushrooms reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Shiitake mushrooms, another cultivated species, have been widely used for a long time by the Chinese and Japanese to treat colds and flu.

Mushrooms offer good quality protein, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. They are low in calories, sodium and fat. So, mushrooms are ideal food for people following a weight loss program. Mushrooms are also excellent source of potassium, which helps to lower elevated blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. You can also get rich source of riboflavin, niacin and selenium from mushrooms. Selenium is an antioxidant that works with vitamin E to protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Eat mushrooms regularly to strengthen your body and fight off illness and maintain physiological homeostasis.

Be careful with wild mushrooms because many species are poisonous and only experts can tell the difference between edible species and poisonous ones. Mushroom eaters are called mycophagists and the act of collecting them in the wild are called mushroom hunting, mushroom picking or just mushrooming.


It’s a delight to melt a piece of chocolate in the mouth. It is also a great feeling to know that we can find so many health benefits in a piece of chocolate. Here are some of the goodness:

1. Brain Stimulator:
Whenever you eat a piece of chocolate you have a pleasant feeling because it stimulates endorphin production, In addition it contains serotonin which is an anti-depressant. You can also find other substances like theobromine and caffeine which are stimulants.

2. Anticancer:
Dark chocolate which is made from cocoa beans contains antioxidants that have been shown to combat cell damage that can lead to tumor growth.

3. Reduce blood pressure:
People with high blood pressure can reduce blood pressure by eating a small amount of chocolate every day.

4. Good for your heart:
A daily consumption of a small amount of chocolate is possible to lower the risk of a heart attack. Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

5. Cough:
According to research chocolate may be effective at prevent persistent coughing. The presence of theobromine in chocolate is found to be almost one third more effective than codeine, the leading cough medicine. Chocolate also seems to soothe and moisten the throat.

Chocolate may be good for your health but it is recommended that it is eaten moderately because it is a calorie-dense food that is rich in factory-added fat and sugar.


I am a regular and moderate coffee drinker. I take one cup with my breakfast and another cup to go with a light snack before I go to bed. Believe me; it doesn’t interfere with my sleep. I have been doing it for years. It’s wonderful to know that drinking coffee has so many health benefits. Let me share with you:

1. Alzheimer’s disease:
A study by Finnish and Swedish researchers showed that middle-aged people who drink moderate amount of coffee significantly reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Antioxidants:
Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants that starve off cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

3. Parkinson’s disease:
The presence of caffeine helps reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Caffeine also helps in treating asthma and headaches.

4. Physical performance:
Substantial research has concluded that caffeine does improve physical performance and reduce fatigue.

5. Mental performance:
Drinking coffee helps improve alertness, attention and wakefulness. Coffee also helps in short term memory.

6. Promote Digestion:
The presence of caffeine induces the secretion of stomach acids which help improve digestion.
Coffee also stimulates peristalsis (wavelike contractions that move food thorough the digestive tract) which helps prevent constipation. It is also a diuretic.

It’s such a delightful way to start a new day with a cup of coffee. Are you a regular coffee drinker? Let’s drink it moderately to our health.


Barley or Hordeum vulgare in Latin is a cereal grain and a member of the grass family. It is mainly used as an animal feed and also for malting and is a key ingredient in beer and whisky production.

It has half the fat and 50% more fiber than oats. It is a rich source of beta-glucan soluble fiber. It contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, calcium, niacin, iron magnesium and zinc. Here are the health benefits of barley:

Promote healthy blood sugar:
The fiber content in barley will prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high. Those suffering from Type 2 diabetes should consume more barley.

Reduce cholesterol:
Beta-glucan from barley’s soluble fiber is responsible for lowering cholesterol.

Lower the risk of some types of cancer:
Barley is rich in selenium and together with fiber it helps prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.

Heart friendly:
Regular consumption of barley reduces heart disease. In 2005 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that whole grain barley and barley –containing products are allowed to claim that they reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. It is a good source of niacin, a B vitamin that provides numerous protective actions against cardiovascular risk factors.

Weight management:
Barley is good for the control of weight and obesity as it is rich in beta-glucan soluble fiber. Eating fiber-rich foods may help increase satiety or a feeling of fullness.

Protection against childhood asthma:
Consumption of barley could help reduce the risk of childhood asthma by about 50%.

According to the religion of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad prescribed barley, known as “At-Talbina” in Arabic, for seven diseases:

High cholesterol

Heart disease




Soothing and calming effects for the bowel
Slowing of age

We often boil barley in water as a refreshing drink. It reduces heatiness and after drinking, it stimulates urination. The other healthy dessert among Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore is a mixture of 薏米, 腐竹, 白果 (yimi, fuzhu, baiguo) barley, beancurb skin and gingko nuts.

Tips For Beautiful Makeup

Beautiful makeup tips are useful to know what you should do to make the makeup work to its fullest capacity, for, makeup done unprofessionally and without any thought would not be able to give you the desired results. Before applying the makeup that you hope would create a magical aura around you, consider these following tips for beautiful makeup:

Beautiful Makeup Tip 1

It is better to use toner on your face first. Use of a good moisturizer is also a good option, as this helps in proper and better blending of foundation. This is where most of people do not put proper care and end up in a mess of things, as the foundation does not give desired results!

Beautiful Makeup Tip 2

Use your fingers for working the foundation on one area of your face. It is better if you are moving your fingers in circular motion, and after you have finished this finger-walk, you can use sponge for the final working of the foundation.

Beautiful Makeup Tip 3

It is advisable to use a translucent loose powder to set the makeup with the help of a soft brush. When you are using the brush, dust the makeup in downward motion.

Beautiful Makeup Tip 4

If you are using blusher for your makeup, care needs to be taken in its application, for, it is better to apply in circular motion with fingers along the bottom of cheekbones. Mind you, application of blusher over the line that would pass from the center of your eyes is always prohibited!

Beautiful Makeup Tip 5

If you want to provide more natural look, you can fend the brush after you have loaded it with the blusher to remove the extra blusher.

Beautiful Makeup Tip 6

It is better to opt for a colorless eye shadow as a base. Darker colors need to be applied on outer side of eye shapes, and if you have already used more than required, you can use translucent or colorless coating over the already made.

Beautiful Makeup Tip 7

Sometimes, people get carried away with the colors of their clothes and try to match the color of makeup with it. Mind you, this may not look beautiful, so, it is better to opt for colors that actually suit your complexion. Using mild colors can lend a rare beauty to your face.

Beautiful Makeup Tip 8

If you are using eyeliner to make your eyes attractive and talking, it should be applied close to base of eyelashes, so that it can make them look thicker.

If you follow these tips for your makeup, the possibility of finest outcome for your face is more and you will enjoy the place for which you have intended the makeup!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Choosing The Right Makeup Colors For You

What color family is right for you? Does your skin have cool, warm, or neutral undertones? Explore new colors and shades for a fresh, new look.

What color family is right for you? Does your skin have cool, warm, or neutral undertones? Let us explore color together.

You have cool undertones if:

Your skin is: pink, rosy, beige, or brown.Your hair is: a soft shade of brown or blonde, or dark brown or black.And your eyes are: blue, gray, or black-brown.

You have warm undertones if:

Your skin is: golden or olive.Your hair is: golden or red.And your eyes are: green or brown.

You have neutral undertones if:

You have a balance between warm and cool undertones. Most women have neutral undertones.

If you have cool undertones, then you should choose your eye shadow, blush, and lip colors from the cool color family. The cool color family is your pinks and roses and also includes fuchsias, violets, lavenders, grapes, cherries and wines. Pinks and roses are good for cool to neutral skin tones.

If you have neutral undertones, then you should choose your eye shadow, blush, and lip colors from one of the neutral color families. Mauves and berries are considered neutral. Mauves and berries also include: mauves, berries, plums, burgundies, lilacs, and cranberries. Mauves and berries are good for cool to neutral skin tones but leans more toward neutral.

Corals and reds are also considered neutral. Corals and reds include: peaches, corals, oranges, brownish reds, tawnies, apricots, and all shades of red except for the bluish reds, which are considered cool. Corals and reds are good for neutral to warm skin tones but leans more toward the neutral.

If you have warm undertones, then you should choose your colors from the warm color family. The beiges and browns are considered warm colors and includes: browns, bronzes, golds, mochas, taupes and spices. Beiges and browns are good for warm to neutral skin tones.

Now that you know more about skin undertones, you now have the knowledge to pick the perfect makeup color for your skin. But by all means, if you have cool undertones but are drawn to the warmer colors don’t think this is written in stone. Have fun and experiment with your new colors. Choose lighter or darker shades of your colors to spice things up a bit.


Hyper pigmentation refers to skin that has turned darker than normal where the change that has occurred is unrelated to sun exposure. Hyper pigmentation is caused due to excessive production of melanin. Melanin is the pigment that is solely responsible for the color of the skin. Hyper pigmentation occurs due to the excessive secretion of melanocyte stimulating hormone that enhances the production of melanocytes. The melanocytes produce the pigment melanin. Hyper pigmentation affects the areas that are not exposed to light like the genital areas, armpits etc.

Hyper pigmentation may be caused by internal and external causes. Internal causes include hormonal imbalances such as pregnancy. An external cause for hyper pigmentation is sun exposure. Sots of brown may appear with sun exposure without the use of a sunblock.

There are a few types of hyperpigmentation that is based on the cause of the excess melanin and its appearance on the skin. These include melasma, age spots or liver spots, freckles, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. It is also related with a number of diseases such as Addison's disease and other sources of adrenal insufficiency, in which the hormones induce melanin synthesis.

Hyperpigmentation tretment

Hydroquinone - Hydroquinone is one of the best-established topical agents for reducing skin pigmentation. Its effectiveness, both alone and in combination with other treatments, has been documented in a large number of clinical studies. Hydroquinone treatment usually takes several weeks to produce results because even though the synthesis of new melanin is blocked quickly, the existing melanin takes a relatively long time to migrate out of the skin in the process of natural exfoliation.

Laser resurfacing – Normal laser skin resurfacing works by evaporating the first few layers of damaged skin to leave behind a fresh, evenly toned skin. Hydroquinone or mild chemical peels are often recommended before laser resurfacing for best results.

Intense pulsed light – IPL is a type laser that leaves no scares, can sometimes heals freckles or other mild sun spots without using peels or hydroquinone creams beforehand.

Hydroquinone creams – They bleach the skin by slowing down the production of melanin. Dark spots fade in a few weeks. They are usually used for hyper pigmentation which is not caused by hormonal changes.

Hydroxy Acid Peels - They increase cell renewal rate and correct hyper pigmentation marks. Alpha hydroxy acids are water soluble acids and can help remove hyperpigmentation.

Physician formula – These are more expensive skin pigmentation treatments but it is very effective.

Skin hyperpigmentation is not a life threatening condition. However, you should consult with your doctor to confirm that it is not melanoma, a form of skin cancer. In addition, you should see your doctor if you experience unexplained darkening or lightening or any skin sore or lesion that changes the color of the skin.

How To Know Your Skin Type Exactly

Basically, there are four common skin types: oily, dry, combination, and normal. The way your skin reacts and behaves classifies the type of skin you have. Skin types react in different ways to creams and/or lotions, environment, and weather. The skin on your face is the great point to categorize type of your skin.

Here are four skin types that you should know:

1. Oily Skin
Skin may look oily, sallow, and coarse; it has large pores and tends to have pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. The texture of skin is thick; the touch is often sticky. It is usually youthful-looking due to the presence of oil on the skin. Besides that, within hours of cleansing the oiliness will reappear and makeup is usually absorbed quickly. Often, individuals with this skin type have a propensity to develop acne in their teen and middle years.

2. Dry Skin
This skin type has a transparent looking and fine texture. It may lack natural oils, may look rather flaky with small pores, blackheads and blemishes. It feels particularly dry after cleansing and may have whiteheads around the eyes and dry patches. Without sufficient moisture, this skin type can simply become chapped. It’s more likely to become wrinkly than other types.

3. Combination Skin
This type can be characterized as oily on the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and the rest of the face, cheeks and around the eye, is dry. However, to restore both areas to balance, they need a separate cleansing routine.

4. Normal skin
If this is your skin type you are very lucky, because less than 20% of women have this skin type. It is the "healthy" type of skin. It’s smooth, soft, and supple; not too dry, not too oily, characterized by few blemishes, and has a nice glow. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to take care of it.

The first step just before choosing a skin care routine that will make you look beauty is knowing you skin type. Therefore, I want to give you simple tips how to know what type of skin you have exactly:

1. Cleanse your face, and wait for an hour, without applying any skin care product to it.

2. After that, take a tissue and wipe each of the following areas of your face: your forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks.

If oil appears on the tissue, then you have oily skin. But, if skin particles can be seen on your skin, or remain on the tissue, then you have dry skin. Other than that, If you see oil in some areas (T-zone: forehead, nose and chin), and none in others, then naturally you have combination skin. And, if you don’t find oily residue or flake is left on the skin, you have normal skin.

One thing that you should keep in mind, cleansing and moisturizing twice a day is an important thing of having attractive and healthy skin, regardless of what type of skin you have. For maximum results, select products that are intended for your particular skin type.

Beauty and Health Tips

Beauty and health are the two sides of the same coin. You cannot possess either in isolation. Indeed a healthy person is naturally beautiful and the reverse is also true. It is a fact that health and beauty go hand in hand. Health is the metabolic efficiency in all people and beauty brings joy to the beholder. The following are some health and beauty tips that are simple and easy to follow.

Firstly, find ways to move your body. Always make it a point to use the stairs rather than elevators or escalators unless you are pressed for time. If you are overweight, eat less or exercise more to have a youthful body. The daily regime of either calorie restriction or exercise increase has positive effects on the body function. It is important to keep diabetes under control if one is diabetic or even take preventive measures to reduce the onset of diabetes and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hyper tension, and cancer or lung disease. Sedentary lifestyle is the greatest bane of health and beauty. It is imperative to exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 or 6 days a week. Indulge in anything that moves your limbs. It is not only a beauty and fitness tool, but a stress reliever as well. You can move around in small time intervals. It will be definitely far more rewarding if you could devote 45 minutes to 1 hour for any physical activity.

The next of the tips is - learn to say no to fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Reduce the intake of cheese, butter, nuts, sauces etc. Drinking water is one of the best beauty and health tips we can all follow. Water is essential for virtually every function of the body. The average person needs 1 to 3 liters of water a day. Drink with meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. Remember during your workouts, cold water is more readily absorbed.

The most important of the beauty and health tips is to quit smoking. It is mandatory to be a non smoker in order to improve the overall beauty and health of the individual.

Try to reduce stress filled situations. It is always easier said than done. Devote 30 minutes a day doing something you enjoy. Keep your temper under check and count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Stay away from people whom you find difficult to cope with. It is also important to practice oral hygiene and stay in a pollution free environment to remain healthy.

Recent studies suggest that a glass of wine or one drink a day is good for the heart, but take it easy!Gulping down glasses of wine can cause health problems such as liver and kidney disease as well as cancer.

There are many health and beauty products available in the market right now. They bring in different promises, guarantees and offers. Think for a while before making the purchase. Collect the details of the products you intend to buy. You should ensure that the product will do well for your beauty and health which you are looking for in it. Health and beauty products do help to improve your skin, health and fitness.

The link between genetics and beauty and health is a powerful one. But if one follows these basic beauty and health ,it is possible to live a healthy and beautiful life.Finally, stay positive. There's an ultimate connection between positive outlook and healthy and happy living. We all agree to the fact that a beautiful mind exists in a beautiful body That is the best of all beauty and health tips.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How To Target Your Stomach With Yoga?

Yoga is a great part of any wellness routine, as it has the ability to both reduce stress and exercise the body. If you are trying to use yoga to target your midsection, well, that can be done. There are a number of yoga positions (called asanas) which exercise the stomach muscles. Bear in mind that some of these are more advanced than other. Assess your own skill and comfort level before trying certain asanas. If you are not sure you are able to do one asana, start with one that seems easier and work your way up once you have belt some strength and flexibility. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

To perform this stomach-exercising asana, first lie flat on your back. Use a yoga mat of towel to cushion the spine. Bend both knees up to your chest so that your thigh touches the stomach. Hug your knees in place and lock your fingers. Now lift your head up so your nose meets your knees. Take a deep breath and hold it for thirty seconds before releasing and slowly lowering back to start. This exercise can also be done one leg at a time.

For this stomach exercise, remain on the floor, but roll over on to your stomach. Position your hand under your shoulders. Now, using your back muscles, raise your upper torso off the ground to that your head is upright. Be careful not to push with your hands. You want the muscles in your back to be doing the work. Hold this posture for thirty seconds, then lower yourself back to start. Even though you are using your back muscles to lift your upper body, performing the asana will assist in reducing belly fat and , flattening your tummy.

The Bow
This stomach exercise is pretty similar to the previous asana, but more involved. It starts from the same position lying on your stomach, but in this exercise you curl your legs upward in addition to lifting your upper torso. Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet come up toward your head. Grab your ankles and pull with your hands and push with your legs until only your stomach is on the floor. Your body should feel sort of like it is making a circle. Your knees should remain together throughout the exercise. Hold this position for thirty seconds before releasing and returning to starting position.

Now that you have read the name of this asana, try not to be intimidated-- it is less complicated in practice than in pronunciation. It does, however, require a fair amount of flexibility, so you may want to start with something easier and build up to this one. Start by lying on your back with your legs straight and arms overhead. Your body should be straight from head to toe with all limbs extended. Point your palms up to the ceiling and put your hands together. Contract your stomach muscles to sit up, keeping your back straight and hands overhead. Bend forward and grab your toes with your hands, putting your head between your arms so it touches your knees. Hold the position for two minutes before releasing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tips To Good Digestive

Billions of bacteria live in our digestive system. However, this does not mean that they cause illnesses and must be rid from our bodies.

There are 'good' bacteria that we should nurture and allow to proliferate. The key is to have a high level of 'good' bacteria co-existing with low-level of 'harmful' bacteria.

The beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract help us absorb food and minerals. Two examples are the bifidobacterium which is the main and important component amongst the bacteria strains in the gut. The second is lactobacillus acidophilus or commonly known as acidophilus, and together, they suppress harmful bacteria.

What happens when the equilibrium is unbalanced? The digestive can be affected in many ways. However, there are signs that will prompt us to be on the alert.

Diarrhoea, gas, abdominal pains, vomiting, cramps, indigestion and bloating are some conditions that tell us something is not right.

Tips to Good Digestive

Below are some tips to good digestive and gut health.

* Load up on those beneficial bacteria

* Live cultures of 'good' bacteria like bifidobacterium and acidophilus can be found in most yoghurt or yoghurt drinks. Nowadays, these products come in a multitude of flavours to suit all consumers.

* Boost the number of these microorganisms that live in the gut to kill off the 'bad' bacteria.

* Healthy diet

Develop good, healthy eating habits. The first condition to a healthy diet is to eat a wide variety of foods so that you can gather all the different nutritional requirements.

In a nutshell, we should eat more fruits, vegetables, yoghurt and yoghurt drinks, starchy and fresh produce and less sugary, salty, fatty and processed foods.

* Eat more fibre

The best source of fibre and the easiest way to consume it is to eat more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

Nowadays, most breakfast cereals, and those for children too, are packed with fibre, vitamins and nutrients.

Start your day with a healthy serving of breakfast cereals that will take you through to the next meal.

* Healthy weight

Keeping your weight at the desired level is tough but everybody knows the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. It lowers the risk of coronary diseases like heart attack and stroke, diabetes and hypertension, to name a few.

Be aware of what you consume with a strong emphasis on low fat and low cholesterol foods. Be more active, choose smaller portions during meal times and eat slowly.

* Move more, eat less

Be more active. Choose activities you enjoy and do them every day. If need be, do them with a friend and both of you can keep each other on track. Reduce your intake of sweet drinks and junk food.

* Turn off the TV

Watching less TV can give you more time to exercise and be active.

Also, you will not be enticed by junk food commercials. Two ways of reducing TV watching is by: a) taking it out of your bedroom; and b) switching off the TV during meal times.

* Drink plenty of water

Water helps to soften waste material in the gut and prevents constipation which, if left unchecked, could lead to digestive stress.

* Vitamins and minerals

Try to get all your vitamins and minerals from foods you consume and not from supplements. Also, food provides the 'synergy' that many nutrients require so that they can be efficiently broken down and absorbed in the body.

Once equilibrium is restored, you will enjoy a sense of well-being.

After all, a healthy body brings with it glowing skin, luscious hair and strong nails.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lazy To Exercise? Here's The Best Reasons Why You Should Do It!

The best reasons to exercise revolve around health benefits. In fact, the single best reason to exercise is to get healthier. Research shows that if you exercise to stay healthy, strong and fit you’re more likely to stick with your exercise regime – and lose weight and stay healthy.

There is no such thing as easy weight loss, but there are some motivators that keep you fit and healthy. Here are the 10 best reasons to exercise, in no particular order.The 10 Best Reasons to Exercise.

1. Clear skin. Regular physical activity promotes circulation and sends nutrients to your skin, making breakouts of acne less frequent. Plus, acne breakouts will clear up faster if you’re regularly sending oxygen to your skin. Healthy skin is one of the best reasons to exercise.

2. Better sleep. As long as you don’t exercise two hours before bed, you’ll get better, deeper sleep if you exercise regularly. A good night’s sleep is a great reason to exercise.

3. Less stress. The more you exercise, the better you’ll cope with anxiety, stress and depression. You’ll enjoy more naturally induced happy, positive feelings (endorphins). That alone is a great reason to exercise.

4. Delicious food. If you exercise regularly, you can indulge in your favorite gourmet chocolates without feeling guilty. Healthy weight loss will happen if you exercise regularly – and you can enjoy yourself at the same time!

5. More brain cells. Exercise drives more oxygen to feed your brain, making you think quickly and clearly. Learning new physical activities such as dance or jazzercise builds new connections between your brain cells and helps clear environmental toxins.

6. More confidence. Not only will you have more confidence in yourself if you exercise regularly, you’ll be perceived as kinder, smarter and more confident. Feeling good about yourself is one of the best reasons to exercise.

7. Toned, defined muscles. The more you exercise, the stronger and healthier your muscles will become - and the better they’ll serve you. It’s not all about healthy weight loss: building healthy mass is also an exercise benefit. Feeling toned is a great reason to exercise.

8. Better sex. Physical activity sends more blood to all parts of your body, making you respond more quickly to sexual activity. You’ll enjoy sex more not only because you’re chasing healthy weight loss – you’re also more confident about your body. Getting satisfied sexually is one of the best reasons to exercise.

9. Stronger immune system. Regular exercise helps combat free radicals, and you sweat out the toxins that trigger disease and infections. The health benefits of exercise include lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol levels, and a lower heart rate.

10. More energy. Physical activity is not only an effective weight loss method, it’s also a great way to increase your energy levels. Having energy to enjoy life is probably the best reason to exercise!The benefits of exercise don’t allow you to eat whatever you want whenever you want, and you’ll have to exercise regularly to maintain the benefits – but it’s worth it. These are good reasons to exercise that will help you the rest of your life.

Info Tentang Anorexia Nervosa Dan Bulimia

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan masalah gangguan pemakanan?

Masalah gangguan pemakanan adalah tabiat pemakanan yang boleh membahayakan kesihatan fizikal dan juga psikososial seseorang individu. Ini termasuklah :

1. Anorexia Nervosa :
Satu keadaan dimana seseorang sengaja menghadkan pengambilan makanan dan lazimnya tidak mahu mengekalkan berat badan yang normal dengan ketinggiannya.(kekurangan berat badan yang teruk).

2. Bulimia Nervosa :
Merupakan tabiat mengambil makanan dan kemudian mengeluarkan semula apa yang dimakan seperti memuntahkan semula makanan , penyalahgunaan laxative dan enema (cecair yang disuntik ke dubur) atau senaman yang berlebihan.

Masalah gangguan pemakanan ini lazimnya berlaku dikalangan golongan remaja perempuan.

Apakah tanda-tanda dan gejala-gejala Anorexia Nervosa dan Bulimia Nervosa?

Anorexia Nervosa :

* Denyutan nadi yang rendah.
* Tekanan darah rendah.
* Keletihan.
* Mengantuk.
* Kulit menjadi kering.
* Rambut tidak bermaya.
* Kemunculan bulu-bulu halus.
* Mudah marah.
* Fikiran sering terganggu.
* Sentiasa mencari kesempurnaan.
* Kurang bersosial untuk mengelakkan daripada menikmati makanan.
* Kurang keyakinan diri.
* Tiada kedatangan haid.

Bulimia Nervosa :

* Pembengkakkan kelenjar liur akibat sering muntah.
* Kedatangan haid yang tidak teratur.
* Kereputan gigi kerana kandungan asid yang tinggi dalam muntah.
* Sakit perut akibat sering berlaku ketegangan atau pengecutan perut disebabkan makan berlebihan.

Apakah kesan-kesan yang berlaku akibat daripada masalah gangguan pemakanan?

Masalah gangguan pemakanan akan menyebabkan komplikasi yang serius iaitu :

1. Semakin lama tabiat pemakanan yang abnormal diamalkan, semakin tinggi risiko gangguan status pemakanan akan berlaku termasuklah:

* Kehilangan otot-otot, kehilangan lemak tubuh dan juga mineral pada tulang.
* Kekurangan mineral utama dan vitamin.

2. Gangguan psikologi :

* Masalah penyesuaian diri semasa mengalami perubahan ke tahap akil baligh
* Sentiasa mengasingkan diri daripada bersosial dan sering mengalami konflik keluarga.
* Kurang keyakinan diri.
* Gangguan mental seperti takut dan kemurungan.

3. Masalah-masalah lain :

* Pertumbuhan terbantut dan lewat mencapai akil baligh
* Tulang mudah reput dan seterusnya mengakibatkan osteoporosis
* Berisiko tinggi mendapat penyakit dan boleh membawa maut.

Bagaimana untuk membantu anda menangani masalah ini?

1. Berbincang dengan keluarga / guru / kawan-kawan dan berjumpa dengan doktor untuk mendapatkan nasihat.
2. Doktor akan merawat anda bersama-sama dengan pakar kesihatan yang lain.
3. Anda akan mendapat terapi/ rawatan secara individu, rawatan keluarga, perubahan sikap dan juga pemulihan pengambilan makanan.
4. Anggota Fisioterapi dan pemulihan cara kerja juga akan membantu anda dalam proses pemulihan
5. Sekiranya anda mengalami komplikasi dan kekurangan pemakanan yang teruk anda harus mendapat rawatan di hospital untuk tempoh tertentu.

Apakah rawatan yang sesuai bagi mengatasi masalah ini?

Objektif rawatan bagi masalah ini adalah untuk mencapai berat badan yang normal dan tabiat makan yang baik supaya pertumbuhan fizikal dan mental dapat berkembang dengan sempurna. Sasaran berat badan yang normal adalah pada Indeks Jisim Tubuh (IJT) 18 - 24 (ataupun mencapai berat badan sebelum mengalami masalah gangguan pemakanan).

* Lazimnya rawatan ubat tidak diberikan disebabkan ianya kurang efektif
* Ubat antikemurungan biasanya diberikan kepada pesakit anoreksia nervosa yang mengalami tekanan
* Rawatan pemulihan biasanya mengambil masa yang lama dan rumit.
* Sokongan keluarga dan persekitaran yang baik adalah perlu dalam proses pemulihan.
* Rawatan di hospital adalah diperlukan bagi kes-kes yang serius.

Bila anda perlu mendapatkan bantuan atau rawatan?

* Sekiranya anda atau orang yang anda kenali mengalami masalah gangguan pemakanan, segera dapatkan nasihat daripada doktor.
* Semakin cepat masalah ini dikesan, semakin cerah peluang untuk pesakit pulih.

Proses Urutan Wajah


Mandi Songsang

"Mandi songsang adalah satu kaedah terapi yang amat hebat dan menghasilkan kesan yang menakjubkan kepada pengamalnya."

Apakah itu mandi songsang?

Mandi songsang adalah amalan membasahkan tubuh badan bermula dari kaki dan beransur-ansur membasahi bahagian atas badan kemudian diakhiridengan kepala. (kecuali mandi hadas besar dimulakan dari siraman di kepala).

Lazimnya pada masa sekarang ramai orang akan mandi dengan menjiruskan air bermula pada bahagian kepala. Situasi ini sebenarnya akan memberikan kesan yang buruk pada kesihatan diri.Sistem saraf pendarahan otak akan mengecut kerana siraman air tersebut. Ini akan membuatkan sistem otak akan terjejas.

Cara mandi biasa akan menyebabkan sistem pertahanan badan akan menjadi lemah. Seluruh sistem hormon dan kimiawi badan adalah diatur dan disettingkan di dalam kepala, maka cara mandi biasa lebih banyak akan memberikan impak yang buruk kepada sistem pertahanan badan.


1) Menjadikan pengamalnya awet muda dan fresh.

2) Mengembangkan salur darah otak-menjadikan sistem darah di bahagian otak jadi bertambah baik untuk berfungsi.

3) Menjadikan sistem pertahanan badan akan bertambah baik fungsinya seterusnya menjana sistem hormon badan dengan lebih hebat untuk tahap kesihatan yang maksimum.

4) Mengurangkan tekanan (stress) yang telah dihasilkan oleh otak.

5) Melancarkan perjalanan darah.

6) Menjadikan pengamal semakin pintar.

7) Meninggikan daya ingatan.

8) Mengelakkan atau mengurangkan sakit kepala.

9) Menjadikan state mood yang tenang dan ceria.

10) Menjadikan jiwa sentiasa bersemangat.

11) Memiliki daya ketahanan mental.

12) Menambahkan semangat berani.

13) Menguatkan gusi dan gigi dan banyak lagi yang akan diketahui apabila mula diamalkan.

How To Do Sit-Up?

Doing sit-ups is a quick way to get stronger abdominal muscles. However, they must be done properly to avoid any possibility of injury to your spine and the neck and head muscles. In addition, sit-ups are about using the abdominal region (the abs). Therefore, close attention must be paid to ensuring that you are not compensating by using other parts of your body to perform as sit-up, as this will diminish the effectiveness of the sit-up and may cause injury to your body. It is not as harsh as it sounds - always, always focus on the abs and you are most of the way there.


1. Lie down on the floor. Have your knees bent and the balls of your feet and heels placed flat on the ground.

2. Place your hands on opposing shoulders, so that your arms are crossed over your chest. This allows you a central rising point.

3. Tighten your abdominal muscles gently by drawing in your belly button to your spine.

4. Keeping your heels on the ground and your toes flat to the ground, slowly and gently lift your head first, followed by your shoulder blades. Focus your eyes on your bent knees, all the while gently contracting the abdominal muscles. Pull up from the floor about half way.

5. Hold the position for a second. Slowly bring the torso back to the floor but try to keep it slightly elevated off the ground. This means not to place your back flat to the ground but to keep a slight, yet relaxed, arch.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the remainder of the exercise. Only do two to three if you are a beginner and slowly build up the amount over time, as your strength increases.


1. If you're having a hard time keeping the balls of your feet or heels on the ground keep at it, try asking a friend to keep them down.

2. Moderation is the key to any abdominal exercise since the abs are literally the center of the body. If you think about it, in everything you do in daily life (walk, run, sit, stand, reach up for something, etc.) you have movement at or through your abs. With that in mind, be aware that if you overdo the sit-ups (or any ab exercise) you run the risk of ruining your next day with pain in the abs region. If you are a beginner, start out slowly and gradually do more. If you do overdo it, the pain will wear off.

3. As you get stronger, try a Pilates variation to this exercise: Instead of holding your hands behind your head, keep your hands straight next to your torso and as you rise into the sit-up, glide the arms forward and then raise the arms at the same time as your torso and stretch them forwards. Keep the shoulders relaxed and do not nod your head forward too far. As you relax back down, slowly float the arms down into a relaxed position back on the ground, next to your torso. Repeat for each sit-up.


1. Keep in mind that the only way to build muscle is to push the muscle beyond its endurance limits. But if you do so many sit-ups to the point that you start to feel a stinging sensation on your abs, you have done too much. Your form will start to deteriorate and you won't be performing a proper sit-up.

2. Always stretch out your stomach muscles by

i) lying down on your back with your elbows bent and hands under your shoulders.

ii) Keeping your legs and feet on the floor, straighten your arms so your back is arched.

iii) Look up at the ceiling and hold for a count of 10. 4) Release.

3. Do not commit the common mistakes of sit-ups:

i. If you choose to get your hands out of the way by putting them behind your head, make sure you don't push your head forward while lifting your torso. There is a natural tendency to do this since it helps you lift up and the tendency will increase as your abs get tired. However, the push on your head will strain the muscles in the neck. If you deal with your arms in another way, still try to keep your head out of the exercise.

ii. Don't try to put your forehead on your knees. The higher you come off the ground the better, but only to a certain extent. If your back is starting to curl (namely, you could be considered as being in a humpback position if you were standing), you will be placing too much strain on your lower back.

iii. If you can't keep your feet on the ground and haven't secured them properly, you will be spending extra effort to do so during the sit-up. Unfortunately, this effort will originate in the thighs, which isn't the target of a sit-up. In some people the thighs might give up before the abs, rendering the whole exercise completely useless.

4. Avoid doing sit-ups if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Bending your spine in the sit-up position places increased stress on your bones and can put you at risk for a stress fracture.